About Us

Where Miracles Are Made

The idea for our clinic was born in the suburbs of Pennsylvania, USA. After our first clinic was established in that same place, we made the decision to expand to Istanbul, Turkey. With Turkey's commendable reputation in medical tourism, we knew that this decision would allow us to target and satisfy a more diverse audience.

Our Values

Our Work Is Guided By Values

Integrity, compassion, excellence. At Dentamerical, we prioritize ethical practices, deliver exceptional care, and treat each patient with empathy. Through teamwork and community engagement, we exceed expectations, building lasting relationships based on trust and satisfaction.

Our Vision

For A Miraculous Future

At Dentamerical, we envision a future where dental care is redefined. With our unwavering commitment to excellence, cutting-edge technology, and personalized approach, we aim to revolutionize oral health. By creating beautiful smiles and nurturing overall well-being, we strive to make a lasting impact on the lives of our patients.

Our Team

Ready To Make It Happen


Karan Ryan

Fitness Guru

Elysia Levine

Fitness Guru

Crystal Clements

Fitness Guru

Selin Simmonds

Fitness Guru

Our Clinic

Dentamerical's Luxurious Clinic

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