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Top Tier Services



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About Us

Where Miracles Are Made

The idea for our clinic was born in the suburbs of Pennsylvania, USA. After our first clinic was established in that same place, we made the decision to expand to Istanbul, Turkey. With Turkey's commendable reputation in medical tourism, we knew that this decision would allow us to target and satisfy a more diverse audience.



Cosmetic Treatments

Dental Fillings



Removable Treatments

Surgical Treatments

Before After unhealthy teethhealthy teeth
Before After unhealthy teethhealthy teeth

Our Clients Believe In Us

Here Is What
Our Reputation Sounds Like

With you every step of the way


VIP Transportation

Experience the epitome of luxurious transportation with Dentamerical. Our premier service ensures a seamless journey, picking you up from the airport, chauffeuring you to dental appointments, and delivering you back in style.​


Specialized Experts

Each member of our team brings a unique set of skills, knowledge, and experiences to the table, ensuring that we can address a wide range of medical conditions and meet the diverse needs of our patients.


Patient After-care

Our clinic's after-care department provides personalized support and guidance, ensuring a smooth recovery process every step of the way.

Our Plan To Make You Smile

Discover Us

Whether it’s through our website or our social media, the first step is for you to find our clinic!

First Contact

The first time you contact us, we will begin to asses your needs and the ways to meet them.

Treatment Plan

We will make you a personalized treatment plan to attend to all your needs.

Confirming The Appointment

After our plans are final, we will make an appointment and confirm it.

To Get A Free

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